Tammy Story is too extreme for colorado

Since elected, Tammy Story has introduced some of the most radical and harmful legislation in Colorado’s history.

As the representative for House District 25 in Jefferson County, speaking for communities like Morrison and Evergreen, Tammy Story has demonstrated a clear misalignment with the priorities and values of her constituents. Her career has been defined by risky policies that jeopardize the safety of the entire state – and Coloradans are paying the price.

It’s vital to vote her out to stop her radical agenda from causing lasting damage.

Voted Against Felony Charges for Indecent Exposure to a Child

As a State Representative, Tammy Story shockingly voted against a bill that would have made it a class 6 felony for adults to indecently expose themselves to a child if they knew a child under 15 could witness it, and when the adult is at least four years older than the child.

Despite overwhelming bipartisan support, Tammy Story chose to side with protecting sex offenders rather than standing up for the safety of our children. This alarming decision raises serious questions about her judgment and priorities.

* HB23-1135
* Colorado Springs Gazette: “Placing the perpetrator above the victim

Voted to Release Undocumented Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Thanks to bills supported by Tammy Story, local law enforcement is now prohibited from detaining undocumented immigrants arrested for illegal activities, allowing them to be released back onto the streets with no way to track their criminal histories. This policy has repeatedly let dangerous criminals evade justice and threaten public safety, putting bureaucratic priorities above the welfare of her community.

Tammy Story’s actions demonstrate a blatant disregard for the safety of those she is supposed to protect.

Voted To Ban Women's Self Defense Handguns

Tammy Story recklessly co-sponsored extreme legislation that would have banned nearly 60% of handguns commonly used by women for self-defense, leaving vulnerable women and abuse victims defenseless. Her decision shows a blatant disregard for their safety and a disturbing pattern of siding with criminals over protecting victims.

The bill also would have banned nearly 90% of shotguns relied on by Colorado hunters to feed their families through regulated hunting, a move that would devastate hardworking citizens at a time when groceries are at an all time high. Tammy Story’s support for these outrageous measures exposes just how out of touch she is with the real needs and values of her constituents.

Voted to Put Dangerous Drug Injection Sites In Morrison and Evergreen

Tammy Story voted in favor of a bill that would have put dangerous legal drug injection sites in Morrison and Evergreen, risking the safety and well-being of her community. These types of sites, which currently exist in cities like New York, are known to harm local neighborhoods, increase crime, and expose impressionable youth to the normalization of drug use.

Fortunately, this bill was rejected by both Democrats and Republicans, recognizing the threat it posed to the future of our communities.

Sponsored Legislation To Kill School Choice

Tammy Story sponsored a destructive bill that undermines the core principles of public charter schools in Colorado. It would have disrupted successful systems, fueled division between charter and other schools, and threatened the autonomy, diversity, and innovation that make charter schools unique.

The 55-page bill unfairly targeted charter schools, allowing districts to close them due to district enrollment declines even if the charter was thriving, and it removed the State Board’s authority to check local decisions. It also eliminated essential waivers and restricted access to information about vacant school properties. 

Voted to exempt herself and other lawmakers from government transparency

After the legislature was sued for violating Colorado’s Open Meeting laws, Tammy Story voted for a bill that shields herself and other lawmakers from the transparency laws designed to keep them accountable.

By supporting this bill, Story is endorsing secrecy in government, cutting off citizens and the media from accessing vital information. This lack of openness threatens to undermine public trust and hides important decisions from those who will be most affected—Colorado’s citizens.

Voted to cut your TABOR refunds by 85%

In 2022, Coloradans received “Colorado Cashback” TABOR refund checks, and in 2023 and 2024, during a time of severe inflation when taxpayers needed relief the most, they received $800 TABOR refunds at tax time.

However, that critical support will no longer be available, as Tammy Story co-sponsored legislation to reduce those refunds by more than 85%. Instead of providing necessary financial relief to taxpayers, she chose to redirect those funds to support her own favored projects.

Voted to Force Private Property Owners to Sell to Government First

Tammy Story voted in favor of a bill that forces private property owners to give local governments the first chance to buy multi-family buildings across the state. This means the government gets to swoop in and make an offer on both affordable and regular-priced apartments before anyone else has a chance, shoving regular buyers to the back of the line.

Tammy Story’s support for this bill puts government interests ahead of hardworking people trying to own property, further limiting opportunities for everyday Coloradans.

Are you in House District 25?

Colorado House District 25 includes Evergreen, Conifer, Kittredge, Pine, Indian Hills, Morrison, Ken Caryl, and more. The entire district sits in Jefferson County.

Use our interactive map to find out if you are in HD25.